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is this all of the comments on the entier site or do i need to go somewhere else-----help--------------i really love the book care of the soul and the comments i have read so far on the site which are only about 6 or 7 ----------------------------------or is 6 or 7 all there is ???????????? i don't know ---------plus i just have very simiple skills on the computer i'm not very good at it---------any relpy would be great thank you -------the main part of the book i try to live out on a daily bases is [ LET THE MYSTERY ONFOLD ]-------although i have many main parts in the book -------- i find my friends really like that phares but won't read the book--oh well

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Hi Bradley,
Thanks for joining Barque. Members' comments about Thomas Moore's book Care of the Soul won't necessarily show up in the same place. If you click on the Forum tab at the top of the main page, you'll get a list of all the discussions started on Barque. If you search the phrase "care of the soul" in the search box and then click the icon that looks like a magnifying glass, you get approximately 132 responses that contain this phrase. You can scroll and click on any of these to see how the phrase is used in the discussion.

Back on the main page, if you click the tab Blogs, you'll get a list of members' blogs. If you type "care of the soul" in the search box and then click the magnifying glass icon, you'll get one response called "Here goes!" by Bernard in which he lists this book title.

You have the option to respond to any of the discussions by clicking Reply to This at the end of a discussion or following any responses to the discussion. You have the option to comment on any of the blog posts by filling in the Comment box and then clicking Add Comment.

You can also visit the blog Barque: Thomas Moore and its associated blogs for mentions of Care of the Soul. You may want to check an old post on Barque: Thomas Moore as Catalyst at for early web references to this book.

I hope this information is helpful. All the best, Barque


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