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Care of the Soul - Discussion about the book
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by bradley brooks Jun 23, 2012.

Popularity of positive psychology
9 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by maureen griffin Dec 8, 2009.

Thomas Moore's new book is now available
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Thomas Moore Jun 6, 2009.

Barque: Thomas Moore

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Barque includes: notices about Thomas Moore's speaking engagements, references to his online writings, and links to readers' responses. The main Barque sidebar links to Moore's public appearances and online interviews.

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Soul Psychology Course 4 begins April 13, 2022

Thomas Moore's Course 4 in his Soul Psychology series begins Wednesday, April 13 at 12:00 noon ET with a 1/2 hour introduction.

Register now at

Topics for this six-week offering are: 

1. The goddess Artemis

2. Befriending the Shadow

3. Coupling / Uncoupling

4. The Soul of Things

5. James Hillman's…


Posted on March 30, 2022 at 10:42pm

FREE Resources for Moore's book, Soul Therapy

Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations


"Thomas Moore on the Art of Soulful Listening"…


Posted on January 27, 2022 at 7:00pm

Study with Moore starting Friday Feb. 11, 2022

Course Three of Thomas Moore's Soul Psychology series begins Friday, Feb. 11 at 12:00 noon ET with a 1/2 hr. live video introduction. Moore outlines how the course progresses and briefly discusses the topics covered in the 6 lessons. Register with Ruzuku at to join the course.

Topics for the lessons in this course are:

Aphrodite (Venus)



Posted on January 26, 2022 at 5:01pm

Thomas Moore's Soul Psychology online course

Starting Friday 16 August 2019, Thomas Moore offers a six-week online course, Soul Psychology on the Ruzuku platform.

Read a description of the course. Register for the…


Posted on August 9, 2019 at 2:13pm

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At 2:38pm on December 6, 2009, Rita Abreu Costa said…
I´ve been reading Thomas Moore books since 1996 and now I'm starting to read some texts written by James Hillman. They help me a lot in the way I see my life, because they show me new perspectives for reflexion.
At 11:42am on November 30, 2009, Mary Scriver (Prairie Mary) said…
I only encountered Thomas Moore in person at a conference in 1983 that was called "Logon," a pun about computers meant to combine the interests of Michael (an English professor) and Lynda (a religion professor) and pull in their circle of friends to what was then much more of a cowtown, Bozeman, Montana. We were all younger then and shorter on cash, so some speakers were asked to teach a class to help pay their way. Thomas did that.

The class he taught was about interpreting dreams and took the Gestalt approach of free-associating and remembering connections so as to unfold meanings. He was cheerful and uncanny but what made an impression on me was two boys who had come seeking enlightenment about a dream that was haunting one of them: it was about a road journey during which a snake was run-over and deflated hissing. Sort of Freud meets Jung. Thomas walked them through it, to their amazement. In the middle of it all, the registrar showed up and yanked the boys out of class for not paying.

The class members were upset about this, but Thomas calmly "unpacked" the incident AS THOUGH IT HAD BEEN A DREAM. None of we sophisticates had realized that was possible. Since then I've used that approach to more than a few happenings with considerable profit. So many things happen to us in incomplete and sometimes emotional ways that never really get finished, though sometimes they come back in dreams to ask for attention.

After that class I bought a stash of Thomas Moore books plus some HIllman, some Sardino, and the journal "Spring." I was circuit-riding among four Unitarian Universalist fellowships in Montana and went on in the ministry for a few more years. The principles and techniques were always very helpful.

Prairie Mary
At 5:59pm on October 7, 2009, Cynthia Mulcahy said…
I actually hadn't thought about Thomas Moore for a long while, but this morning a friend emailed me about some DVD she whats me to see, called "The Shadow Effect Movie." I looked it up and found that the filmmaker is a popular self-help guide, Debbie Ford, though I'd never heard of her. She appears to base a lot of what she does on the "shadow effect," kind of a pop version of Jung.

It all made me remember how much I love Thomas Moore's writing, so I looked at Amazon to see what he's written lately, bought a few books, then wondered if he has a blog, which brought me to Barque. And that's my story. ;-)

I usually cringe at self help books, and am not eager to put time into the Debbie Ford DVD my friend is recommending. Do any of you have any experience with her work? Is there anything worthwhile there? My taste usually runs to Moore, Pema Chodron, Steven Levine, etc.
At 4:38pm on September 17, 2009, Kirk Mousley said…
At 11:52am on September 10, 2009, Eileen said…
Yes, I would enjoy that!
At 7:07am on September 10, 2009, Eileen said…
I'm not sure the best method of discussing Thomas' latest book....chapter by chapter? Or perhaps discuss any concept that made an impression?
At 11:12pm on April 27, 2009, Dianne Lofts-Taylor said…
I have been reading Ken Wilber and David Deida for a few years now and subscribe to sites like Enlightenment Now, New Dimensions and I also receive the Enlightenment magazine. The last magazine which was investigating the idea of sacred sexuality, sex and enlightenment etc. The magazine featured an article on One Taste and OMs - orgasmic meditation, which led me to their website and Thomas Moore. Now that you have cropped up amongst the calibre of conscious beings such as Wilber, Cohen and Deida, I decided to add you, via Barque to my list. Ciao Dianne

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