I'm sure some of you have read the quote below:
"At all levels of education currently we tend to provide for the mind and, to some extent, for the body, but little for the soul. An education in soul would include preparation for marriage, illness, a life work, making a home, raising children, contributing to society, dealing with emotional and relational issues, and developing a spiritual sensibility. Rather than creating an entirely new curriculum, it would involve studying any subject for its contributions to meaning, values, and vision. It would also be sensitive to the poetic, symbolic, metaphoric, and ritual aspects of life through a deep understanding of the arts and spiritual traditions. It would culture a person, give him depth, and prepare her for citizenship, leadership, and a rich life."
As a teacher, I'd enjoy discussing this subject further. And, though it's a couple of months away, if anyone can attend the event at Elon University, in North Carolina, on April 23rd, please share any podcasts, notes or feelings about it with us, won't you?
With thanks,