Barque: Thomas Moore Network

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Experience Lent through Spirituality of the Gospels

Thomas Moore's Spirituality of the Gospels for Lent 2016 e-course with Spirituality & Practice begins this week, Wednesday 10 February, 2016 (Ash Wednesday) and continues for forty days (until Easter Sunday).

Spirituality of the Gospels
"It's a spirituality that does not have to be tied to a particular tradition and is accessible to anyone — people lovingly involved in the Christian tradition, lovingly involved in another tradition, not interested in religion, or somewhere in the gray areas of this spectrum."

The e-course includes:
• 40 emails with a Gospel passage, commentary  by Thomas Moore, a practice to bring the teaching into daily life, and a suggested creative project plus 6 additional emails.
• 4 short audios and 3 short videos from Thomas Moore on key Gospel themes.
• A live hour-long teleconference with Thomas Moore. He will answer questions from e-course participants.
• A Practice Circle for sharing reflections with Thomas Moore and other participants.

"The Gospels offer a radically fresh, utopian view of how to live life in a new way — free of self-interest, greed, excessive aggression and depression. They speak to everyone and offer an optimistic and communal way of life." — Thomas Moore

Cost: $65.00 Register now.

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