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"For the ancient Greeks, a daimon is an unnamed urge that pushes you in a certain direction. It is the force behind the passion and tenacity of your yearning. If you experience the daimon of love, your whole life might be centered on the quest for a perfect mate. If the daimon were beauty, you might … pursue ways of caring for the body. There are also daimons of aggression, home, sport, and creativity - the possibilities are endless.

The Romans believed that a child is born with his daimon, or in their language, genius. It’s a fertile idea: that the deep passion and drivenness that stays with us all our lives is there from the beginning. It becomes more defined as we grow older, or perhaps we simply learn more about what it is and where it can take us. It can also wake you up with a startle … offering you a kernel of vision for your future. This is one of the functions of the daimon.
To live by the dictates of your daimon requires a willingness to ease up on your rationality and your desire to control your life. You listen more and pay attention to signals from within, especially to inhibition and hesitancy. You consult yourself, heeding the daimonic force, which, over the years, you may have come to know. Sometimes the daimon appears as a strong intuition."

Today’s Work: Step back and look at the many things you’ve done as work. Is there a “root inspiration” or “essential direction” that shows the influences of your daimon?

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My root inspiration has always been to create something beautiful and true. Perhaps in my life Saturn has been in conflict with my daimon, if Saturn also includes the meanings of too much mental exertion. Now more than ever, I need to quiet the analytic side to allow the daimon to speak. The daimon drives me forward to explore new territory, and in this moment that also means geographical territory. Desire to be in deeper communication with the daimon clarfies its messages, I hope.


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