“We talk about looking for the right job or finding meaningful work, but what we really want is work that we can love. We face two challenges: to find work that we can love and to find love for what we do.
When we say that you can love your work in an erotic way, it means that it can offer rewards that are sexual in an extended sense of the word: sensual delight, desire, pleasure, and connections. Keep your idea of eros big, and then picture your work as having some delight associated with it. Imagine that you could want to do the work so much that you can’t wait to get to work, where you become deeply absorbed in your projects. This is all eros.
Pleasure is an aspect of that particular love called eros. If you can work toward loving your activity, your product, your coworkers, your workplace, and your customers, you would be making your work more erotic. The more eros in your work, that either you find in the work or bring to it, the more likely it will take you to that treasure we call a life work. In fact, as you move toward a life work, you may find the surest guidance in your need to love what you do.”
Today’s Work: Keeping Thomas Moore’s idea of “big eros” in mind, how might you increase the pleasures and delights of your current work?
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