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“Becoming more involved in community helps resolve many personal emotional problems, which are often due to anxiety about the self. Rather than getting beyond the self, I recommend enlarging the sense of self. Your soul is a bigger and deeper conception of who you are, and it extends outward beyond your personal life to include your community and the cultural and natural worlds around you. For thousands of years people have talked about anima mundi, or the world soul, which is the tangible depth and vitality of the universe in which you live. Jung once said that the soul is not in you, you are in the soul. It is a powerful way of reimagining yourself to think of yourself as part of something larger, rather than to think of everything being inside you.

Today’s Work: Reimagine living in the world soul.

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Yea, Julie to the rescue! You've got several discussions going again!

I'm in the midst of our youngest's graduation from high school--then oldest broke up with boyfriend, came home to recover--then elderly parents in as usual...

...I'll stop back in a week or so...

Hold the fort!


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