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Opus Day 37: Honor the mystery of your calling

"A life work is nothing less than the mystery of who we are. It can’t be equated with a job or a career. It isn’t just an emotion, nor is it an illusion. If is of the greatest importance for feeling complete and tranquil. Yet it is impossible to define and control. It is profoundly spiritual and can only be approached with the sense that we are connected somehow to the world in which we live and to people who have passed on and have sought and perhaps discovered their life work.

Every day I walk past a cemetery in our small town and think about the lives of the people at rest there. The truth is, I talk to them as I go by. I see them as a little community. I think about their individual lives and the work they did. Somehow I think that cemetery holds the secret to what I am looking for: my life work, some meaning to my life, a purpose and an inspiration. I know that I am headed there shortly, and I hope that the simple things I have done with my life, which has been so full of mistakes and wrong turns, will add up to a real opus, a meaningful work, a life fully lived."

Today’s Work: During a quiet time, write a eulogy for yourself that you would like someone to read at your funeral. What do you want people to remember about you?

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