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Contemplative Journal hosts a 3-part video series about soul-centered contemplation with Thomas Moore starting Monday 15 August, 2016. The series is $29.95 on Ruzuku.
Part I Soulful Contemplation: The Basics – It’s important to tap into the soul when practicing the contemplative life, and Moore will explore the basics of the soul in video one.
Part II Practicing Dream & Art – A practice of dream work can help one reach the level of depth needed for a soul-oriented contemplative life. Closely related are the images of art. Moore will unpack these concepts in his second video.
Part III A Contemplative Way of Life – Contemplative practices are one thing, but a seriously contemplative way of life is another. Moore breaks down tangible, everyday contemplative practices to deepen one’s soulful life.
Bonuses include:
* A downloadable workbook with the video series.
* Thomas Moore will personally answer participants' questions via email for one week after the video series launch.
Watch Thomas Moore at Omega Institute
Omega Institute shares an excerpt from Thomas Moore's book, A Religion of One's Own titled "Self-Therapy as Care, Not Repair". In the passage Moore lists ways to facilitate your self-care. FREE Registration to watch Moore's panel discussion Meeting Fear with Love recorded Wednesday 13 July 2016 at Omega. This video is available for viewing until October 2016.
INTERVIEW 17 March 2016
Bonnie Bright, graduate of Pacifica Graduate Institute and founder of Depth Psychology Alliance, talks with Thomas Moore in this guest post and 33 minute audio segment: "Spirit, Soul, and the Secular: An Interview with Thomas Moore"
Visit Thomas Moore's Facebook page for A Religion of One's Own:
December 10, 2015: "A Religion of One's Own develops the idea of a spiritual practice tailored to the individual, immensely appreciative of the spiritual traditions, and both worldly and visionary. All these ideas apply to the Christmas season, which could be seen as a universal celebration of light after darkness, hope, rebirth and a renewed commitment to a meaningful, generous life."
Rabbi Rami Shapiro talks with Thomas Moore for Spirituality & Health magazine in his Essential Conversations podcast: The Shift in Spirituality with Thomas Moore
3 February 2016
Audio: 20 minutes
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Rose Caiola
Rewire Me
Video: 39 minutes
2015 October 5
19 October 2015
Thomas Moore's episode with Oprah Winfrey on SuperSoul Sunday, 18 October 2015.
A press release states:
". . . now [Moore] believes we are facing an exhilarating new phase of our spiritual evolution. His broad message resonates with those who see themselves as spiritual, not necessarily religious, and he shares with Oprah ways to bring the soul and spirituality back into your life."
14 June 2015
Unity Magazine features "Listening in with Thomas Moore" by Katy Koontz in its July-August 2015 issue.
KK: You suggest incorporating many different spiritual traditions in this religion of one’s own, but you also encourage skepticism. If all these different traditions are indeed a treasure trove, where everything has meaning and is sacred, why is skepticism necessary?
TM: Because the traditions are also full of garbage — every one of them. You’re lucky to get 25 percent of really good stuff out of any of the traditions. Even some of the great people we quote all the time are good about some things and bad about others. Nobody has the whole picture, so you shouldn’t sell your soul to any one tradition. That’s why I think we’re entering a really interesting new era. We’re leaving the time when we become a member or follower of a religion, and now we’re going to use religions as resources — sorting the good from the bad. "
This interview is also available as a pdf file.
10 June 2015
Last year authors Thomas Moore and Katrina Kenison were at Christ Church in Exeter NH to talk about cultivating soul in everyday life. Watch their presentation in this 1.5 hour video by AccessTV98.
3 May 2015
A Religion of One's Own: Public Talk and Conversation
Thomas Moore's talk from 31 March 2014 at the Garrison Institute is available through after free registration.
17 April 2015
Moore's influence grows among spiritual leaders
Thomas Moore moves up the list of Watkins Books' Mind Body Spirit top 100 Living Spiritual Leaders in 2015 to number 28, between Marianne Williamson and Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma). Last year he was number 85. Watkins Mind Body Spirit - Issue #41 (Spring 2015): "Celebrating spiritual activists, teachers & authors with Watkins Spiritual 100 list of the most spiritually influential living people."
11 February 2015
Oprah Winfrey Network shares an excerpt from Thomas Moore's new book, A Religion of One's Own:
"Anyone can be a Mystic — Here's How"
16 January 2015
Spirtuality and Practice declares Thomas Moore's book A Religion of One's Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World to be one of The Best Spiritual Books of 2014. In the list of 50 finalists it aces the Religion category.
NEWS ALERT 7 January 2015
Thomas Moore's latest book, A Religion of One's Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World (2014) is now available in paperback from Gotham. Moore invites readers to explore with him "the myriad possibilities for creating a personal spiritual life, either inside or outside formal religion, and to develop an inner life of purpose, meaning, and reflection."
In today's emailed newsletter Moore writes, "I draw on insights I gathered during my twelve years as a monk and the much expanded, imaginative spirituality I practice in business, in my life as a writer and in my family."
Brattleboro Community Television shares video of Thomas Moore's presentation "Your Mission in Life" delivered 14 April 2014 at Landmark College. Moore answers questions from the audience after his lecture.
"Spiritual Disorders" Spirituality & Health May-June 2015
"Skipping Stones" Spirituality & Health March-April 2015
"The Place Beyond Seeking" Spirituality & Health January-February 2015
"Wherever I Turn, You Are There" Spirituality & Health November-December 2014
"Happy Accidents" Spirituality & Health July-August 2014
”This Fractured, Heavenly World”, Spirituality & Health May-June 2014
"Reclaim Your Spiritual Growth", Spirituality & Health March-April 2014
"Reflections" Penguin USA blog 30 January 2014
"Your Own Personal Religion" Real Clear Religion 17 January 2014
"A Chapel of One's Own" Spirituality & Health Jan-Feb 2014
"A Faith Beyond Belief"Spirituality & Health Nov-Dec 2013
"Announcing the Birth of a New Book" blog 4 December 2013
"A Religion of One's Own" blog 9 September 2013
“Soul is the depth of experience that makes us human and fully in the world. Spirit allows us to transcend, reach toward the infinite, be endlessly creative and find meaning and purpose."
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Rose Caiola
Rewire Me
Video: 39 minutes
2015 October 5
Interview with Thomas Moore
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by CJ Liu
Fire it Up with CJ
Video: 47 minutes
Wednesday 2 July 2014
Thomas Moore at the Garrison Institute
Garrison Institute, Garrison N.Y.
Video: 17 minutes
April 2014
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Ted Simons
Arizona Horizons
Video: 16 minutes
22 January 2014
Unity Magazine, "Listening in with Thomas Moore", July-August 2015
The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript publishes Priscilla Morrill's interview with Thomas Moore, "Finding a spiritual home" on Thursday 29 Januay 2015 about the paperback launch of A Religion of One's Own.
Penguin Books shares "A Conversation with Thomas Moore" with the twelve questions offered to book clubs for A Religion of One's Own.
"Thomas Moore on the Soul of Psychotherapy"
by Deborah Kory
psychotherapy. net
June 2014
"A Religion of One’s Own: An interview with Thomas Moore"
Interview by Tim Miejan for The Edge magazine
1 April 2014
"Thomas Moore: Accounting for the Mysterious"
by Susan Piperato
1 March 2014
Religion that's Personal
Interview questions by Marcia Z. Nelson
Publishers Weekly
29 January 2014
Author Talk January 2014 Reading Group, January 2014
Interview by Pythia Peay for Psychology Today
2014 January 10 Part One
2014 January 15 Part Two
2014 January 17 Part Three
Rob Bell, former pastor and friend of Oprah Winfrey, talks with Thomas Moore during Episode 62 of his RobCast, recorded in Los Angeles. Moore talks about A Religion of One's Own and his 2016 projects.
Audio: 45 minutes.
November 2015
"Creating a Personal Spiritual Style"
Enrichment Hour with Mike Schwager
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Telephone interview: 1 hour audio
20 July 2014
"Book On Creating Personal Spiritual Styles"
The Point with Mindy Todd
Cape Cod NPR
Audio: 17 minutes
10 July 2014
"An interview with Thomas Moore" podcast
Interview by Mark Matousek for Psychology Today
Audio file: 22 minutes
Posted 12 May 2014
Abridged transcript
"Thomas Moore on A Religion of One's Own"
Interview by Colin McEnroe, WNPR Connecticut
Audio file: 50 minutes
9 April 2014
A Religion of One’s Own
Interview by Rich Fisher, Studio Tulsa
Audio: 29 minutes
11 February 2014
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Richard Brendan, Blog Talk Radio
Audio: 54 minutes
25 February 2014
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Patricia Raskin
Positive Living, Internet Radio
Radio audio: 25 minutes
3 February 2014
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Nancy Reid & Lisa Smith
Big Blend Radio
California’s Yosemite Gold Country
Audio: 30 minutes
26 January 2014
Interview by Julie Ann Turner
iTunes podcast: 55 minutes
5 February 2014
Uncommon Awareness
Interview by Dr. Lorraine Hurley
Hour 1 53:51 minutes
Hour 2 53:51 minutes
3 February 2014
A Religion Of Our Own For Spiritual Enrichment
Interview by Rob Ferrett
Wisconsin Public Radio
Radio audio: 22 minutes
22 January 2014
DYI Religion
Interview by Brian Lehrer
Radio audio: 18 minutes
2014 January 21
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Erik Davis & Maja D'Aoust
Expanding Mind, Progressive Radio Network
Radio audio: 56 minutes
2014 January 19
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Joe Donahue
WAMC Northeast Public Radio
Radio audio: 22 minutes
2014 January 22
Conversation with Thomas Moore
Interview by Mickey Huff& Peter Phillips
Project Censored:
Media Democracy in Action
Pacifica Radio Network
2014 January 17
A Religion of One's Own
Interview by Joseph Cooper & Bonnie Berman
Topical Currents
WLRN Miami
Radio audio: 32 minutes
2014 January 13
SLIDESHOWS Nine Ways Faith Can Make You Happier.
Spirituality & Practice: Gallery of 8 Quotes about crafting a personal religion.
BOOK TRAILER VIDEO A Religion of One's Own
Reading Group Guide PDF format with 12 questions
Are you “spiritual but not religious”?
It may be time to create your own religion
Tom Rapsas, Contemplative Journal
18 May 2014
Book Review and Background
Katrina Kenison
30 January 2014
"Two books offer good options for personal spiritual growth in 2014"
Nancy L. Roberts, The Lay Catholic
27 January 2014
"Religion Unplugged"
Pamela Morse Blog describes Moore's book signing in Tempe, Arizona and recommends the book.
23 January 2014
Book Review
Pamela Morse Blog
11 January 2014
Book Review
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Spirituality & Practice
Book Review
Patricia Della-Piana Blog
8 December 2013
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