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U tube clip on Venus

I just watched this clip, and, as sometimes happens in life, it spoke exactly to my thoughts at this time. First of all, it confirmed for me some musings of my own, about how the entire quality of one's thinking and one's life directly impacts the particular events that unfold. Taking the pressure off of another person in relationship, and bringing the focus back to oneself, and the quality of one's own life, confers greater peace and harmony, both within the self and in relationship to… Continue

Posted on January 2, 2010 at 12:37pm — 5 Comments

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At 11:27pm on February 20, 2008, Barque said…
Hi Julianne,
Welcome to Barque! Please feel welcome to participate in the discussions. Thank you for letting us know how you came to read Moore's writings and the role they've played for you. D.
At 4:54am on February 20, 2008, Julianne said…
I've just joined this discussion group, and have read and been educated and helped by several of Thomas Moore's books and lectures. Care of the Soul was the first book that came to me at a time when I sorely needed some strength and guidance. As with many books, I found that this one really spoke to me, synchronistically, at the right time, in the right way. Since then I've pursued a study of the Renaissance philosophers, and their inclusive, syncretic approach to religion. Thomas Moore's discussions of Marsilio Ficino certainly have contributed to my knowledge of this field, particularly, in the book The Planets Within. Thomas has been generous in his help with my own work. I find the evolution of having read his first book when my world was crumbling, to participating in this blog so many years later, a fascinating occurence.

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