Barque: Thomas Moore Network

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  I  am thrilled to have been accepted into BARQUE.I could possibily give you a list of the careers I've had  etc . but what i will say about myself is that i am in, going through a period of my life  which is unlike anything else I have experienced and the writings of Thomas Moore are lending credence and belief that  first, I am not alone, and second, that it is the best thing that could be happening as painful  and uprooting as it is.

I would be happy to connect to anyone  for discussion about anything.

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Hi Nancy,

Thank you for joining Barque. I hope you find kindred spirits who enjoy Thomas Moore's work. Have you read his new book, A Religion of One's Own?

   Thanyou so much to your welcoming response.I am going to buy it today.

Hi Nancy.. I have also just joined, but it is not looking like there is a lot of discussion happening, however I would be happy to dialogue with you.  I am currently reading A Religion of One's Own and am waiting for my copy of The Soul of Sex to arrive from the UK.  I have a number of other Moore books that I've taken down off my shelf for a revisit as well.  I was surprised to come across an article on sexuality and sprituatlity recently that Moore wrote as I'd not paid attention to his writing in this area before.  Even more happy when I scoured my shelves to discover I already own 4 of his books AND a couple of James Hillman.  Some happy reading to do here!

Hi Debbie,

Thank you for joining Barque. There hasn't been much discussion lately here, however please feel welcomed to stimulate exchanges about Thomas Moore's new book or any of his writings. You may be interested in his earlier book Dark Eros that looks at the Marquis de Sade's writings about sadism and masochism if you're drawn to sexuality and spirituality. The Soul of Religion is also a helpful companion for A Religion of One's Own.  I hope you enjoy revisiting your Moore library. Happy reading!

Thank you!  I've actually just sent a message through TM's facebook page about how much trouble I'm having trying to source a copy of Dark Eros.  If you can direct me to where I might get one that would be great.  Amazon appear to have second hand copies starting at about US88!   By the time I add postage to that to Australia, it would make for a very expensive read!

Hi Debbie,

This Amazon site lists Dark Eros, used, starting at $34.03 US.

Cheers, Barque


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