Barque: Thomas Moore Network

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  • 61, Male
  • Ventura, CA
  • United States

Waking's Friends

  • Robert Longpré
  • Ken Blackham
  • David Elliott
  • Bill Johnson
  • Gary Hodges
  • Brandon WilliamsCraig
  • Hamida
  • Julianne
  • Ian
  • Rob
  • RussellSD
  • Barque

Waking's Discussions

Moore Videos at Beliefnet

Started Dec 2, 2008

Poetry, Imagination, and Living the Questions
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Waking Dec 11, 2008.

Being, Soul, Body, Spirit, Self, Mind and Imagination
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Barque Jan 28, 2009.

New Thomas Moore List at Amazon
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Barque Mar 6, 2008.

Archaeon's Arc: James Hollis RSS


We dance around in a ring & suppose but the secret sits in the middle & knows -Robert Frost

Profile Information

I've been inspired to launch the James Hollis site based on the wonderful example of this Barque: Thomas Moore site! Please come by and visit...

Visit Archaeon's Arc: Exploring James Hollis PhD

Waking's Blog

Further reflections from The Soul of Religion

If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. — William Blake, Proverbs of Hell

"This ironic foolishness is not literal stupidity. It is something infinitely subtle […] As such it is compatible with clear thought and good judgment […] Those who have written in praise of the fool, such as Plato, Erasmus, Jung, Yeats, Blake, Dickenson, and Lao-tzu, were all brilliant minds but they were aware of an entirely different kind of intelligence."… Continue

Posted on March 11, 2009 at 5:00pm — 11 Comments

My Reflections on Tom's Writing

"Every human life is a profound mystery. Deep and invisible currents make us who we are, and the world around us is full of secret intentions and laws. One response to all this mystery is to treat it as a problem to be solved and to do everything possible to be informed and in control. But another way is to bow down in ignorance and confess our limitations. " [p.xv]

These opening passages to The Soul’s Religion are touchstones along the road I trudge. I take them… Continue

Posted on March 5, 2009 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

What to do?

Lately I’ve been transcribing audio snippets I capture with the digital recording feature on my Smartphone while listening to recordings of James Hollis and Thomas Moore on my long commute. I’ve also recently typed up certain themes I found personally resonant in Moore’s “The Soul’s Religion”. It’s kind of tedious and more often than not I find myself inspired but less than committed to actually following through with my intentions along these lines.

Incidentally, I’m also very keen… Continue

Posted on February 26, 2009 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

Holyday fathering, financial worries, dharma and friendship sangha

I've been off work for the last week and a half for holiday vacation and have had my little one during the days and most of the evenings keeping him out of daycare so we can spend some quality time together... truth be told I've become a bit weary...but he's more than worth it!

Actually, I'm more stressed over the worry of the overwhelming financial burden my (soon to be ex) wife will pursue to force on me through our next mediation divorce meeting Friday...

Anyhow, I got a… Continue

Posted on January 4, 2009 at 11:00pm

Moar Poetree

A Coat

I MADE my song a coat
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heel to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the world’s eyes
As though they’d wrought it.
Song, let them take it
For there’s more enterprise
In walking naked.

W.B. Yeats (1865–1939). Responsibilities and Other Poems. 1916.

Posted on January 4, 2009 at 9:06pm — 1 Comment

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 9:36am on July 1, 2010, Robert Longpré said…
Hi Waking, I am looking forward to learning more about you. Do you have a personal blog site that I could visit so that I can learn more of who you are through your posts? I can be found at I read a number of Thomas Moore's books back in the mid to late1990s and valued his work. But, truth be told, I am more familiar with the works of Carl Jung, James Hollis, Robert A. Johnson, John Dourley, and Daryl Sharp. Thanks for requesting friendship. :)
At 4:52pm on March 9, 2010, Julianne said…
Sorry I took 2 years to respond to your friend request! Don't know how that happaned.
At 2:13pm on February 14, 2010, Gary Hodges said…
Wow.. I've very sorry.. I totally missed your friend request. And sure, I would love to buddy up with you. :)
At 9:45am on January 7, 2009, David Elliott said…
About the forum. Sounds great. Could you get it started and then I will copy/add posts to the discussion? I worked in Hong Kong and the East for many years. Spirituality has a broader and deeper meaning than in the West. The Dalai Lama is a respected leader of that tradition. They are amused by the theological battles we engage in. Thomas Moore would find a receptive audience there.
At 1:37pm on January 6, 2009, David Elliott said…
Thanks Andy for commenting.
I was wondering what sort of a community Barque would be. My interest in Soul and Spirit goes back many years when I wrote a thesis on St. Francis and began developing a sense of soul in the medieval age and the distinction to spirit in the modern (post-enlightenment) age. Spirit became more identified with the modern concept of self. Imagine my wonder when Thomas Moore wrote his first book, Care of the Soul! His depth understanding from the 15th century articulated what I was trying to understand. Still I wonder after more than a decade why Moore's understanding are not more generally used in churches? Do people offer seminars on his books? I did a seminar on his very approachable book "Original Self" that a small group of church people very much appreciated. What is the future of Thomas Moore's thought in the public sphere? I guess Oprah is out of the question.
At 8:24pm on November 24, 2008, Bill Johnson said…
hi Andy, glad you're enjoying my blog...was wondering if anyone out there was reading it until someone picked it up and quoted me on this site because I happened to mention Moore. That's how I first linked to this site. Sure beats Facebook! Keep the poetry coming, I enjoy the selections.
At 10:38am on April 17, 2008, Barque said…
Hi Andy,
Many thanks for taking the time to write about Thomas Moore's talk at the FMS conference earlier this month. It's posted at Barque: Thomas Moore as Catalyst. Great job!
At 9:10pm on April 8, 2008, Brandon WilliamsCraig said…
I was indeed at the FMS conference. You saw me running around setting the sound and recording everything, but I may not have seen you. Like what do you look?
At 5:10pm on April 3, 2008, Waking said…
“There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.” (CW 12, 208)

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular." (C. G. Jung, Collected Works 13, para. 335).
At 4:22pm on March 27, 2008, Hamida said…
Well, after I said I didn't know how, I spent some more time at it and figured it out. This is one of those small lessons I still haven't learned. Don't cry wolf until you really need to.

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