Barque: Thomas Moore Network

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Dear Barque members,
Please go to Thomas Moore's Fan Page, not his personal page, on Facebook. Click the Discussions tab at the top and briefly check in at the Barque: Thomas Moore topic. Many thanks, Your Welcoming Committee

Thomas Moore Fan Page:
and participate in Discussions under the topic Barque: Thomas Moore.

Cheers, Barque

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Comment by Waking on May 5, 2010 at 1:53am
I'm bummed! I got the email too...
too bad FB isn't as media friendly as Ning was...I have all those clips and videos at the Hollis Ning site.
OK, well let's make lemonade out of lemons.
see ya'll over at Facebook!
Comment by Barque on May 4, 2010 at 1:35pm
I've set up a Discussion Topic on Moore's Facebook Fan Page called Barque: Thomas Moore. If you're a Barque forum member and you have an FB account, it would be great if you left a quick comment to indicate your interest in maintaining the Barque community there. There are a few limitations. I don't have admin access to the fan page so please disregard the topic called Barque: Thomas Moore Forum. It's not a good idea to create a topic and then delete the message. FB doesn't like that and I can't delete the topic. It's all a learning experience . . .
Comment by Waking on April 21, 2010 at 5:06pm
Thanks for keeping your finger on the pulse Deb! i sure hope this doesn't happen... i'll be thinking where our Ning communities can transplant should they go with their decision to shut us down...
I have Tom's books in both paperback (for gross mark-up), a few hardbacks (for cherishing), and all of them audio format in one form or another.
i'm listening to his reading COSIM this week and will finish this afternoon only to begin re-listening next week...or perhaps i should listen again to Original Self next...the choices are tantalizing!
Comment by Barque on April 19, 2010 at 3:00pm
Thanks Rob for supporting the continuation of the Barque forum. I'll share any update info. I prefer hardback books to paperbacks, too although when moving boxes of books, I question this personal preference. I received Care of the Soul in Medicine and am on page 68. I don't know what Moore plans to write about after his translation of the Gospels. I hope you enjoy the current book.
Comment by Rob on April 16, 2010 at 8:16pm
Thanks, Deb. It would be a pity for this discussion space to close without another one opening. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Just got Care of the Soul in Medicine. Does anyone else prefer to buy Thomas Moore's books in hardback? Well, most books for that matter. I hope his next book is entitled Care of the Soul in Education.


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